Download Best Backyard Laying Hens
PNG. Grandmas' hens would have had a relatively short lifespan. Little red hen, chickens and roosters, hens and chicks, farms living, down on the farm, hobby farms, raising chickens, chickens backyard.
Keeping your own stock of free range egg backyard laying hens is an enjoyable and rewarding pastime as more and more city folk are discovering with the increasing popularity of 'urban farming'.
Hens can be kept in even the smallest of spaces as long as they have suitable shelter, a ready supply of. Birds started to be cross bred to produce prolific laying hens or utility breeds (good for eggs and the table). No matter what breed of laying hens you get, quantity and quality of eggs all depend on your chickens leading happy lives with excellent nutrition. Black stars are a hybrid breed (cross between barred rock hens and rhode island red roosters) and lay an above average.