To sum it up. Three breeds that tend to lay dark brown chocolate colored eggs are Welsummer Marans and Pendescena.
Types of Chickens that Lay Colored Eggs.

Different breeds of chickens that lay eggs. Here are a few common chickens breeds that are known to lay colored eggs. They can lay eggs of just about any color including some rare hues such as green blue pink tan and even purple. Named after the Araucana region of Chile where these chickens supposedly evolved the Araucana chicken lays gorgeous blue eggs.
Are you wondering how these eggs are different from the regular white ones. Whats most interesting about these birds is where they get their name. While there are hundreds of brown egg layers to choose from there are those that have stellar reputations for being abundant egg layers and easy keepers.
They lay for about 20 Weeks and this breed lays about 250-300 large brown to creamy white eggs in a year. A hens earlobe color may be a clue as to the color of egg that she will lay. Yes eight different chicken breeds lay blue eggs namely Araucana chickens Easter Eggers Cream Legbars Arkansas Blue Whiting True Blue Lushi Dongxiang and the Ameraucana chickens.
Easter Eggers are essentially mutt chickens. These chickens are prized for reasons besides their eggs. Lets learn together.
The Barnevelder will lay 3-4 dark brown eggs per week. There are several different varieties but the double laced is probably the most popular and spectacular. The Ancona chickens are another best chicken breed that lay lots of white eggs.
To conclude lets do a recap of all the chicken breeds that can lay green eggs. Chicken Breeds That Lay Green Eggs. The Isbars the Favaucanas the Ice Cream Bar chickens the Easter Eggers and the Olive Eggers.
These chickens are champions at what they do. Unlike the chicken breeds previously mentioned not all Easter Eggers will lay blue eggs. For backyard chicken keepers brown-egg laying birds are the most popular breeds.
The hens weight about 65 pounds. The Rhode Island Red developed in the 1800s is the state bird of Rhode Island. An Easter Egger chicken can lay blue green brown or pink eggs.
Some strains will lay eggs with speckles and others can lay a darker almost chocolate colored egg. They are quite mellow and if raised by hand are not adverse to lap time. Therefore knowing the best white egg-laying birds means more income especially if youre raising chickens for commercial reasons.
It is a cold and heat hardy egg producer. Or is your concern about the safety of these eggs for your health. These birds lay eggs that have varying shades of brown.
The medium size Ancona chicken breed weighs about 25kgs normal breed and bantam about 650gms. They are available in black color feathers with small white dots. A German genetics company developed them from New Hampshire chickens selective breeding with other brown egg-laying hens.
This breed can lay about 275 eggs a year. This breed can lay up to 200-220 small size eggs. They lay up to 180-220 eggs per annum and the pullets start to lay eggs as they attain 5 months of age.
Lohmann Brown chickens are one of the best hybrid chickens for egg-laying. The breed is Australian and was originally a hybrid between black Orrington imported from Britain in the 1880s with a local breed Langshan. Each chicken only lays one color egg though.
Sussex chicken is also one of the best chicken breeds for eggs but it is also used for meat. Theyre a mix of different breeds so Easter Egger is kind of a generic catch-all category. Australorps are the best breed of chicken for egg laying.
Bright White and In the Spotlight. Hens with white earlobes typically lay white eggs while hens with red earlobes usually lay tinted or brown blue green and pink eggs. One Australorp made the world record by laying 364 eggs in 365 days.
Leghorns are the most common breed of white egg layer but several other Mediterranean breeds of chickens including Andalusians and Anconas also lay white eggs as do Lakenvelders Polish and Hamburg hens. The following 5 breeds are some of the top picks for backyard chicken raisers who desire beautiful brown eggs. This is called Beetle green ground tipped with white color.
The most popular chicken breeds that only lay white eggs include the White Leghorn Andalusian Polish chicken Ancona Egyptian Fayoumis Hamburg and California White. A similar breed but white in color the Rhode Island Whites also lay brown eggs. White eggs are simply eggs sans pigment added from the hens reproductive system.
Some of the most outstanding brown-egg laying hens include Australorp Barnevelder Brahma Buckeye Delaware New Hampshire Red and Sussex. Hybrids are normally a golden brown color with soft white tail chickens. Pullets of Ancona breed lay eggs after.
Lohmann Browns begin laying jumbo-sized eggs after 4-5 months from hatching. They are prolific layers and can lay up to 250-350 eggs a year. In fact this type of chicken is a hybrid a cross between a blue egg layer like Ameraucana and a brown egg layer like a Plymouth rock.
This breed of chicken is commonly found within the US and is relatively smaller in size compared to the other breeds well known for their ability to lay many eggs in the year.
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Chickens That Are Good For Laying Eggs And As Pets Chicken Coop Chicken Breeds Chickens Backyard
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