Barbu DUccles may be pint-sized but he has good looks and just a little attitude. The Jersey Giant is the largest breed of chicken though because of their huge size it takes them too long to mature to be commercially viable.
George my rooster is good with the ladies finding them tidbits and watching them while they eat.

List of different breeds of chickens. Apart from these breeds there are many breeds of chicken like the Campine Catalana Cochin Brahmas Baheij Araucana Aseel Blue Hen of Delaware Lamona Asturian Painted Hen Kosova Long Crowing Rooster and many more. GGC Chic Mobile for 8-12 birds good Ancona 4-6 white yes. From the large fowl like Australorps or Orpingtons to the smaller bantams like the Dutch Belgian or Japanese theres usually a breed of chicken that will tickle your fancy.
This page lists all 93 chicken breeds that are standardised in the British Poultry Standards. Black Chickens Chickens And Roosters Rare Chicken Breeds Gallus Gallus Domesticus Serval Akhal Teke Animal Facts Wtf Fun Facts Random Facts WTF Fun Facts - Funny interesting and weird facts WTF Fun Facts is updated daily with interesting funny random facts. He is also a great early warning system letting the girls run.
The A-Z of Chicken Breeds Choosing the Perfect One. Chicken Breeds Type List Picture Information. La Fleche The La Fleche breed is a dual purpose bird with its meat production quality being the main reason for breeding them.
This is a list of chicken breeds usually considered to originate in Canada and the United States. Dark Brown Egg Layers. Some may have complex or obscure histories so inclusion here does not necessarily imply that a breed is predominantly or exclusively from those countries.
Egg Color and Size Cold Hardy Behavior BroodingBest Coop Recommendation Egg Laying Ameraucana 4-5 blue yes well adaptable to confinement or free range. Plymouth Rock chicken is one of the oldest chicken breeds. They are good egg producers and are good converter of feed to meat.
Rhode Island Red is one of the best chicken breeds in the world. The Jersey Giant is the largest breed of chicken though because of their huge size it takes them too long to mature to be commercially viable. Mostly calm non-aggressive occasional brooder Best coop.
They are small but prolific layers of white eggs. They love to free range and are very predator aware. La Fleche The La Fleche breed is a dual purpose bird with its meat production quality being the main reason for breeding them.
Regardless they make excellent chickens on even small farms. The Jaerhon is the only chicken breed that comes from Norway. The hens are not known for broodiness so their mothering skills are unknown.
Chicken Breed Chart to Help Choose Your Chicken Chicken Breed Picture Bird Size lb. Regardless they make excellent chickens on even small farms. It was developed in the 1920s from the Landrace birds of Norway all of whom are now extinct.
Meat Broiler Chickens. They are genetically bred to serve a dual purpose. Standard Old English Game.
They have barred color and.
Chickens Backyard Breeds Chickens Backyard Chicken Breeds