Expanding Your Urban Chicken Coop: What You Should Consider

If you're considering raising chickens, choosing the right bedding for your coop is essential. Not only does it keep your chickens clean and comfortable, but it also helps keep your coop healthy and odor-free. With so many types of bedding available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one for your chickens. Here's everything you need to know about choosing the right chicken bedding.

What is Chicken Bedding?

Chicken bedding refers to the material that is used to line the floor of a chicken coop. It serves several purposes, including insulating the birds from the cold ground, absorbing moisture and odor, and providing a soft, comfortable surface for the chickens to rest on.

Types of Chicken Bedding

There are many different types of chicken bedding available, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. Here are some of the most popular types of chicken bedding.


Straw is one of the most common types of chicken bedding. It's affordable, widely available, and easy to use. Plus, chickens love to scratch around in it. However, straw can be dusty and may harbor mold or bacteria, which can cause respiratory problems in chickens.


Hay is another popular type of chicken bedding. It's similar to straw, but it's usually made from grasses instead of grain. Hay is absorbent, easy to use, and can add some warmth to your coop. However, like straw, it can be dusty and harbor bacteria if not cleaned regularly.

Wood Shavings

Wood shavings are a popular choice for chicken bedding because they are absorbent, affordable, and easy to find. They also come in a variety of sizes, making them suitable for any size coop. However, some types of wood shavings can be too dusty for chickens, so be sure to choose a low-dust variety.


Sand is a popular choice for chicken owners because it's easy to clean and doesn't harbor bacteria or mold. It also provides excellent drainage, which can help keep your coop dry. However, sand can be heavy to move and can be abrasive on chicken's feet.

Why is Choosing the Right Chicken Bedding Important?

Choosing the right chicken bedding is important for several reasons. First, it helps keep your chickens clean and healthy. Clean bedding helps prevent the buildup of bacteria and parasites, which can cause health problems for your chickens. Second, the right bedding can make it easier to clean your coop by absorbing moisture and odor. Finally, the right bedding will provide your chickens with a comfortable place to rest and scratch around in.

What are the Benefits of Using Chicken Bedding?

Using chicken bedding has several benefits for both you and your chickens. Here are some of the main benefits.

Keeps Your Coop Clean

The right chicken bedding helps absorb moisture and odor, making it easier to keep your coop clean. This can help reduce the risk of disease and infection in your chickens.

Provides Insulation

In colder climates, the right bedding can provide insulation for your chickens, helping to keep them warm and comfortable.

Reduces Odor

Chicken bedding helps to absorb odor, reducing unpleasant smells in your coop.

Prevents Injury

The right bedding can prevent injuries to your chickens by providing a soft, comfortable surface for them to rest on.

What are Some Tips for Using Chicken Bedding?

Here are some tips for using chicken bedding in your coop.

Change Bedding Regularly

To keep your coop healthy and odor-free, it's important to change your chicken bedding regularly. Depending on the type of bedding you use, this could be as often as once a week or as infrequently as once every few months.

Watch for Moisture

Moisture can cause bacteria and mold to grow in your coop, which can cause health problems for your chickens. Be sure to watch for signs of moisture in your bedding and remove any wet bedding immediately.

Choose the Right Type of Bedding

As we've seen, there are many different types of chicken bedding available. Be sure to choose the type that's right for your chickens and your particular situation.

Provide Access to Dust Baths

Chickens need to dust-bathe to keep their feathers clean and healthy. Be sure to provide them with a dust-bathing area, such as a box filled with sand or soil.

Use Bedding in Nesting Boxes

Bedding can also be used in nesting boxes to make them more comfortable for your hens. Choose a soft, absorbent material, such as straw or wood shavings.

Caring for Your Chickens

In addition to choosing the right bedding, there are several other things you can do to care for your chickens and keep them healthy.

Feed Them a Balanced Diet

Chickens need a balanced diet to stay healthy and lay eggs. Be sure to feed them a combination of chicken feed and fresh fruits and vegetables.

Provide Plenty of Water

Chickens need fresh, clean water to stay healthy. Be sure to provide them with a clean source of water at all times.

Keep Them Safe

Chickens are vulnerable to predators, so be sure to provide them with a secure coop and run. Also, be sure to check on them regularly to ensure they are safe and healthy. In conclusion, choosing the right bedding for your chickens is an important part of raising healthy, happy birds. By choosing the right type of bedding and taking the necessary precautions, you can keep your coop clean, dry, and free of disease, while providing your chickens with a comfortable place to live.